
May 2023

LED Dice

So this is a thing. LED Dice. When you they hit a sur­face or are shook the light up and colour change. They stay lit up for a few sec­onds. It comes with a small box that will charge the dice, They have lit­tle met­al con­tacts on them that line up with con­tacts on the con­tain­er. The box itself […]

LED Dice Read More »

Okay, I suck at updates. It’s been rough­ly 2 years now since I did any­thing here… Every time I try to do this, I start with far-reach­ing plans on how I’m going to get every­thing linked up with the cod­ing and the ideas. It becomes time con­sum­ing and often it doesn’t seem to be worth the effort. I end up putting

Updates… Again… Read More »