Mostly about #pokémon this time, a bit about naughty #furryart with my eevees
#nsfw #furry #eevee #eeveeloution #scarletviolet
Mostly about #pokémon this time, a bit about naughty #furryart with my eevees
#nsfw #furry #eevee #eeveeloution #scarletviolet
Not a lot to say today. It’s a Thursday, a bit of an unusual one because of the holiday earlier in the week and it was recycling day. I, being an idiot, missed it because it’s normally not on Thursdays and I got a bit too distracted with everything last night after work. Oh well. I’ll just have an extra
Knowing What I Know Read More »
Yesterday was a pretty good day despite being a working day and being back at the office after a long weekend. The biggest issue with holidays is the need to fit five days’ worth of work into four days. But I’m not really talking about work as far as what has been going well. I had a rather enjoyable evening
I missed something. Read More »
The long weekend has ended and I’m back to the daily grind at the office. I never feel weekends are long enough regardless of how much time I really have. I’m the type of person that can’t ever really get bored. There’s always something that needs to get done, be it a book I need to finish, some work
Its been a few days since my last posting and things are fairly normal at the moment. I’m keeping busy at work and on a more personal note myself and Em have been enjoying watching Star Trek together to wind down in the evenings. Our Trek of choice over the last few days has been Star Trek
Getting Ready for Weekend Read More »
Greets all! It’s great to be back. As I mentioned in my post titled The Bizarre End to a Week Filled with Insanity, I had a little bit of trouble with my laptop which was fortunately still under warranty. Yesterday mid-afternoon, my laptop arrived freshly repaired and now running great. My kitty Oreo also got a new box which he