
I got myself a Steamdeck

May 13, 2023 

This might be a lit­tle bit of old news, but late last year I got myself a Steamdeck. I love this thing! I recall read­ing a review where it was described as a portable gam­ing device that’s about the size of a small cat. It was­n’t wrong. The thing has def­i­nite­ly got some weight to it and its a respectable size. I’ve used the […]

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Cassette Beasts

May 13, 2023 

I just start­ed play­ing Cas­sette Beasts today. I’m a lit­tle over an hour into it. On the sur­face it’s a mon­ster tamer / train­er game like Poké­mon, but its def­i­nite­ly its own game with its own mechan­ics and so far, a pret­ty inter­est­ing sto­ry. I’ll prob­a­bly do a bit more on this week­end. Might even stream some if there […]

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Early morning May 13, 2023

May 13, 2023 

Its just a bit after 6:30 am as I’m writ­ing this. Don’t think I can sleep any­more right now so I’m work­ing up the ener­gy to get up, start break­fast, take my meds, and tack­le the day ahead of me. As i lay here a lot of thoughts are going through my head. Reflect­ing on my life, my family, […]

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LED Dice

LED Dice

May 12, 2023 

So this is a thing. LED Dice. When you they hit a sur­face or are shook the light up and colour change. They stay lit up for a few sec­onds. It comes with a small box that will charge the dice, They have lit­tle met­al con­tacts on them that line up with con­tacts on the con­tain­er. The box itself […]

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May 12, 2023 

I am Foofy now… Thanks to Embyr. Come rev­el in my foof.

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Updates… Again…

May 12, 2023 

Okay, I suck at updates. It’s been rough­ly 2 years now since I did any­thing here… Every time I try to do this, I start with far-reach­ing plans on how I’m going to get every­thing linked up with the cod­ing and the ideas. It becomes time con­sum­ing and often it doesn’t seem to be worth the effort. I end up putting […]

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Kinks and Konks

May 27, 2021 

Not long ago I came across a “poll” in the sug­ges­tion forum of a pop­u­lar, invi­ta­tion only, com­mu­ni­ty for char­ac­ters, sto­ries, and worlds about the ban­ning of NSFW “fer­al” con­tent. I use the term poll light­ly despite the claims of those in sup­port of this on the forum. This “poll” only allowed for vot­ing for the ban not […]

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