

Anoth­er month has past not a whole lot new going on. Admit­ted­ly, I’ve been in some­what of a cre­ative slump and haven’t real­ly had much to talk about. There have been a few things though I can talk about. First, I’ve fin­ished sea­son 4 of Low­er Decks with Embyr. Over-all I loved the sea­son. I did have a bit of a Trekie-nerd moment with the […]

November Update Read More »

Its week­end! Oi am I need­ing it, Thurs­day night got incred­i­bly stu­pid. I’m lay­ing in bed at 10:30 at night wind­ing down and start­ing to doze off while lis­ten­ing to the storm out­side and my phone sud­den­ly sounds an alarm. “Tor­na­do Warn­ing for the cov­er­age area.” Welp. I’m up now… I round up my kit­ty and wait

Gigitty Read More »