

Nes­tled amidst rolling hills and ver­dant mead­ows, Hikari no Mura, the quaint vil­lage, came alive with the enchant­i­ng pres­ence of kit­sune. The air buzzed with an ethe­re­al ener­gy, car­ry­ing whis­pers of mys­tery and folk­lore. As one approached the vil­lage, a kalei­do­scope of scents, sounds, col­ors, and an ever-chang­ing sky unfold­ed before their sens­es, immers­ing them in […]

A Kitsune’s Tale Read More »

Its been a few days since I post­ed any­thing. Not a whole lot excit­ing going on at the moment, at least not any­thing I can real­ly talk about. I’ve recent­ly been watch­ing some DC Com­ic movies and shows with Embyr, main­ly fea­tur­ing Harley Quinn. While they can be rather dark, over­all, most of them were pret­ty good. This coming

Pathfinder Decisions Read More »

Week­end at last, and a busy one at that. So far I’ve already had got­ten my blood test tak­en care of, received and uploaded a char­ac­ter to Toy House, trad­ed a bunch of poké­mon, and made myself break­fast. Maybe not all that much in the sense of the whole day but a fair bit when con­sid­er­ing it’s still the

Saturday Morning and Pokémon Read More »

The char­ac­ter Tsar­goth, which isn’t exact­ly a char­ac­ter, I cre­at­ed about thir­ty or so years ago. The first art of Tsar was done ear­ly in the turn of the mil­len­ni­um. Since that time there have been a few tweaks on his appear­ance and he’s evolved con­sid­er­ably since that time. One of the oth­er changes was there have been

Alternate Tsars Read More »