Nestled amidst rolling hills and verdant meadows, Hikari no Mura, the quaint village, came alive with the enchanting presence of kitsune. The air buzzed with an ethereal energy, carrying whispers of mystery and folklore. As one approached the village, a kaleidoscope of scents, sounds, colors, and an ever-changing sky unfolded before their senses, immersing them in […]
Its been a few days since I posted anything. Not a whole lot exciting going on at the moment, at least not anything I can really talk about. I’ve recently been watching some DC Comic movies and shows with Embyr, mainly featuring Harley Quinn. While they can be rather dark, overall, most of them were pretty good. This coming
Pathfinder Decisions Read More »
Weekend at last, and a busy one at that. So far I’ve already had gotten my blood test taken care of, received and uploaded a character to Toy House, traded a bunch of pokémon, and made myself breakfast. Maybe not all that much in the sense of the whole day but a fair bit when considering it’s still the
Saturday Morning and Pokémon Read More »
The character Tsargoth, which isn’t exactly a character, I created about thirty or so years ago. The first art of Tsar was done early in the turn of the millennium. Since that time there have been a few tweaks on his appearance and he’s evolved considerably since that time. One of the other changes was there have been