

The long week­end has end­ed and I’m back to the dai­ly grind at the office. I nev­er feel week­ends are long enough regard­less of how much time I real­ly have. I’m the type of per­son that can’t ever real­ly get bored. There’s always some­thing that needs to get done, be it a book I need to fin­ish, some work

To Boldly Go… Read More »

I did it! I final­ly fin­ished it. I man­aged to col­lect a shiny of each of the eevee­lu­tions in Poké­mon Scar­let. I named them after the eevee­lu­tion char­ac­ters I’ve had for a cou­ple of years now. I’ve always loved my eevees but nev­er in a sin­gle game had I had all the shinies of each of the evo­lu­tions. For a lit­tle extra fun

Veevees Read More »

Week­end at last, and a busy one at that. So far I’ve already had got­ten my blood test tak­en care of, received and uploaded a char­ac­ter to Toy House, trad­ed a bunch of poké­mon, and made myself break­fast. Maybe not all that much in the sense of the whole day but a fair bit when con­sid­er­ing it’s still the

Saturday Morning and Pokémon Read More »