Another month has past not a whole lot new going on. Admittedly, I’ve been in somewhat of a creative slump and haven’t really had much to talk about. There have been a few things though I can talk about. First, I’ve finished season 4 of Lower Decks with Embyr. Over-all I loved the season. I did have a bit of a Trekie-nerd moment with the […]
I said it yesterday in my blog post that Embyr does the most romantic and sweet porn. Its true! She finished this piece of our characters Thanisis and Faeyra and they look so adorable and loving together, that is until you look below the wings. Well, when you look there you can see something else
So, yesterday ended up being a bit of an art dump day onto my FA Gallery… Almost 30 images uploaded. Woot!
This Wednesday morning has felt rather busy so far. I didn’t sleep the best last night so waking up this morning has been rough. The long weekend was a welcome break but despite that it never quite feels long enough. Never quite seems to be quite enough time to do everything. One problem with long weekends is
A Wednesday Afternoon Read More »