

The Water Planet

Wow, that picked up quick­ly. Over the week­end Embyr and I were work­ing on set­ting up a new Dis­cord serv­er, some­thing of a Oth­erkin, fur­ry, art, and gam­ing serv­er for friends and to meet peo­ple with sim­i­lar inter­ests. We opened it to the pub­lic yes­ter­day after­noon. A day lat­er there’s rough­ly four­ty peo­ple there and the chat is fair­ly active and var­ied in all the chan­nels. I’ve met quite a few new peo­ple and can def­i­nite­ly see me mak­ing some new friends here. Oth­er friends of mine and Embyr have also joined in and its great to see them mak­ing new friends as well. I feel com­fort­able there and Em seems to be enjoy­ing her­self too.

#Dis­cord #com­mu­ni­ty #fur­ry #art #fur­ryart #gam­ing #world­build­ing #role­play

Community Discord Server — Update Read More »

The Water Planet

Myself and Embyr have been work­ing on putting togeth­er a com­mu­ni­ty serv­er in Dis­cord. It’s main­ly intend­ed to be cen­tred around #fur­ry, #oth­erkin, #gam­ing, #videogame, and #fur­ryart and is intend­ed to a mature space, not nec­es­sar­i­ly NSFW but just a place where like-mind­ed peo­ple can chill and hope­ful­ly make some new friends.

Community Discord Server. Read More »

It’s Sat­ur­day again and the start of a long week­end here in Cana­da. As I men­tioned last week things have been hec­tic and while last week was busy at work it was­n’t over­whelm­ing­ly so. Life is get­ting back to some type of nor­mal­cy, but I’m still play­ing a lit­tle bit of catch up with every­thing that was going

Long Weekend! Read More »

LED Dice

So this is a thing. LED Dice. When you they hit a sur­face or are shook the light up and colour change. They stay lit up for a few sec­onds. It comes with a small box that will charge the dice, They have lit­tle met­al con­tacts on them that line up with con­tacts on the con­tain­er. The box itself

LED Dice Read More »