

Yes­ter­day was a pret­ty good day despite being a work­ing day and being back at the office after a long week­end. The biggest issue with hol­i­days is the need to fit five days’ worth of work into four days. But I’m not real­ly talk­ing about work as far as what has been going well. I had a rather enjoy­able evening […]

I missed something. Read More »

Recent­ly I’ve got­ten a lot more art and been work­ing on my char­ac­ter Selin­iea. Selin­iea is my Pathfind­er char­ac­ter in a game I play rough­ly once every quar­ter. The game is based on the Lega­cy of Fire adven­ture path. I’m not sure how far along through the path we are, as I’ve not been read­ing through any of

Seliniea (Updated) Read More »

LED Dice

So this is a thing. LED Dice. When you they hit a sur­face or are shook the light up and colour change. They stay lit up for a few sec­onds. It comes with a small box that will charge the dice, They have lit­tle met­al con­tacts on them that line up with con­tacts on the con­tain­er. The box itself

LED Dice Read More »