

So its Decem­ber. The whole of the year seemed a blur and reflect­ing on it has me frown­ing. Its been a dif­fi­cult one but I’ve been sur­viv­ing.  Em’s inter­est in TTRPGs has grown and she’s picked up a copy of Foundry and has been run­ning through the PF2 Begin­ner box with myself and a cou­ple of friends. We’re not […]

December Read More »

The long week­end has end­ed and I’m back to the dai­ly grind at the office. I nev­er feel week­ends are long enough regard­less of how much time I real­ly have. I’m the type of per­son that can’t ever real­ly get bored. There’s always some­thing that needs to get done, be it a book I need to fin­ish, some work

To Boldly Go… Read More »

“I’m a dirty girl” said Juniper mat­ter-of-fac­t­­ly in a play­ful sing-song tone to Tsar­goth. She was sub­merged up to her neck in the shal­lows of a nat­ur­al pool in their shared avian sanc­tu­ary. A peace­ful qui­et place with a sun­ning rock next to the pool fed by a water­fall and a stream run­ning off into the wood­ed area head­ing into the southern

Dirty Birdy Read More »

My mate Embyr, recent­ly has made an offer to do some quick sketch­es for a pret­ty low price. Want­i­ng to sup­port her, and because I love her art, I grabbed some. She also fin­ished anoth­er piece she was work­ing on of Selin­iea. Oi! These are awe­some. She’s amaz­ing with emo­tion and their expres­sions. To the right we have

Quick Sketches and Other Stuff Read More »

Anoth­er week­end has passed and its back to the dai­ly grind with the office place. The week­end Pathfind­er ses­sion did­n’t go as expect­ed but we played, unfor­tu­nate­ly Embyr got lit­tle oppor­tu­ni­ty to take part. The new spell and abil­i­ties that I picked up for my lev­el did very much help. Half the par­ty could swap places

Post Weekend thoughts and A New Week. Read More »

Butts! Lots of butts. A while back, Tirol offered some stick­ers with var­i­ous butt pos­es and myself and Embyr jumped on it. These things can take time and we just got these stick­ers late last night. Woot! So here we have Tsar’s and Em’s rump being dis­played lewd­ly and I must admit, damn they look good! Tsar

Friday Morning Butts Read More »

This Wednes­day morn­ing has felt rather busy so far. I did­n’t sleep the best last night so wak­ing up this morn­ing has been rough. The long week­end was a wel­come break but despite that it nev­er quite feels long enough. Nev­er quite seems to be quite enough time to do every­thing. One prob­lem with long week­ends is

A Wednesday Afternoon Read More »

I’m work­ing on being a bit more active on post­ing here and on Twit­ter. With that I’m upload­ing some of my back­log of Art I’ve got­ten that has­n’t been uploaded yet, Here I have some art­work of myself and my mate, Embyr done by Tirol/Kuribon. This was some­thing for our three-year anniver­sary with a cou­ple of hid­den easter

A little Anniversary Fun Read More »

The char­ac­ter Tsar­goth, which isn’t exact­ly a char­ac­ter, I cre­at­ed about thir­ty or so years ago. The first art of Tsar was done ear­ly in the turn of the mil­len­ni­um. Since that time there have been a few tweaks on his appear­ance and he’s evolved con­sid­er­ably since that time. One of the oth­er changes was there have been

Alternate Tsars Read More »