
May 2023

A cou­ple weeks ago, Em designed a Fluffy ver­sion of Tsar­goth, I absolute­ly love how the design turned out. Today, I share some lewd art Em and I got from Rave­Doq fea­tur­ing a rather inti­mate scene between Fluffy Tsar and Embyr. The sketch was in the works short­ly after the design was final­ized. We just got the fin­ished piece yesterday. 

Fluffy Tsar Lewds Read More »

I did it! I final­ly fin­ished it. I man­aged to col­lect a shiny of each of the eevee­lu­tions in Poké­mon Scar­let. I named them after the eevee­lu­tion char­ac­ters I’ve had for a cou­ple of years now. I’ve always loved my eevees but nev­er in a sin­gle game had I had all the shinies of each of the evo­lu­tions. For a lit­tle extra fun

Veevees Read More »

Week­end at last, and a busy one at that. So far I’ve already had got­ten my blood test tak­en care of, received and uploaded a char­ac­ter to Toy House, trad­ed a bunch of poké­mon, and made myself break­fast. Maybe not all that much in the sense of the whole day but a fair bit when con­sid­er­ing it’s still the

Saturday Morning and Pokémon Read More »

Butts! Lots of butts. A while back, Tirol offered some stick­ers with var­i­ous butt pos­es and myself and Embyr jumped on it. These things can take time and we just got these stick­ers late last night. Woot! So here we have Tsar’s and Em’s rump being dis­played lewd­ly and I must admit, damn they look good! Tsar

Friday Morning Butts Read More »

So its been near­ly two months now since I got out of the hos­pi­tal. I was there for a few days after head­ing into the emer­gency room after an extreme­ly stress­ful work week. I admit­ted­ly was­n’t eat­ing the best or sleep­ing right dur­ing that week, but giv­en the hours I was work­ing, I did­n’t have too many options. Since that time,

Horray For Lab Tests Read More »

This Wednes­day morn­ing has felt rather busy so far. I did­n’t sleep the best last night so wak­ing up this morn­ing has been rough. The long week­end was a wel­come break but despite that it nev­er quite feels long enough. Nev­er quite seems to be quite enough time to do every­thing. One prob­lem with long week­ends is

A Wednesday Afternoon Read More »

It’s Sat­ur­day again and the start of a long week­end here in Cana­da. As I men­tioned last week things have been hec­tic and while last week was busy at work it was­n’t over­whelm­ing­ly so. Life is get­ting back to some type of nor­mal­cy, but I’m still play­ing a lit­tle bit of catch up with every­thing that was going

Long Weekend! Read More »

Not much to real­ly blog about today. Busy day at work with long meet­ings and an appoint­ment. I’m admit­ted­ly tired and may go to bed ear­ly. For tonight I’m just going to try to take it easy.

Busy day. Read More »