
Greet­ings visitor,

If you have reached this page chances are you are try­ing to access my blog through the use of a proxy or VPN ser­vice either to pro­tect your pri­va­cy and encrypt your data or to bypass a block I’ve put in place on my web­site. You see, unfor­tu­nate­ly, there have been some fair­ly recent events involv­ing an indi­vid­ual that for the moment I am choos­ing not to pub­licly iden­ti­fy, but that may change if the harass­ment con­tin­ues, and their behav­iour that include stalk­ing me. If you are legit­i­mate­ly try­ing to access this site while pro­tect­ing your pri­va­cy I must apol­o­gize but due to the cir­cum­stances I had to block all VPN and proxy ser­vices. It was­n’t meant to impact you, but just as you are try­ing to pro­tect your per­son­al free­doms by the use of such ser­vices I am tak­ing the steps nec­es­sary to pro­tect mine from those who choose to harass me.

If how­ev­er you are some­one that is using a VPN to bypass the block I have put in place, and you know exact­ly who you are, then you’re being a pret­ty big idiot here. You see, I’ve already fig­ured it all out. I know when you try to access my site. When you try to use Hide My Ass and Avast’s VPN to bypass the block I put in place. Any­thing you try I’ll just block and gath­er evi­dence of the con­tin­ued harass­ment for when I choose to con­tact your local author­i­ties. Since you enjoy involv­ing your moth­er is all of your per­son­al dra­ma I may reach out to her direct­ly with all the evi­dence already col­lect­ed. I can take legal action. You will not like that approach. Leave me and my mate the fuck alone or you will get burned.