
December 2023

I’m a bit bummed and I’m feel­ing pret­ty shit­ty about it. Recent­ly I had post­ed a few dif­fer­ent art pieces of my char­ac­ter Tre­ori, a PF1e char­ac­ter I made for a game back in 2019. Due to sched­ul­ing prob­lems I had to drop that game and I’ve been miss­ing her and recent­ly myself and Embyr joined a TTRPGs where I’ve tried to recre­ate her. The […]

TTRPG Bullshit Read More »

So its Decem­ber. The whole of the year seemed a blur and reflect­ing on it has me frown­ing. Its been a dif­fi­cult one but I’ve been sur­viv­ing.  Em’s inter­est in TTRPGs has grown and she’s picked up a copy of Foundry and has been run­ning through the PF2 Begin­ner box with myself and a cou­ple of friends. We’re not

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