

Anoth­er month has past not a whole lot new going on. Admit­ted­ly, I’ve been in some­what of a cre­ative slump and haven’t real­ly had much to talk about. There have been a few things though I can talk about. First, I’ve fin­ished sea­son 4 of Low­er Decks with Embyr. Over-all I loved the sea­son. I did have a bit of a Trekie-nerd moment with the […]

November Update Read More »

Its just after 11 AM and already I feel like I’m all over the place at the office. That’s not all that unusu­al, in IT some days are qui­et and I can do some need­ed research into upcom­ing projects and issues, oth­er days oth­er staff need some­thing and they don’t know who else to turn to but

Dragon’s Date Night Read More »

The long week­end has end­ed and I’m back to the dai­ly grind at the office. I nev­er feel week­ends are long enough regard­less of how much time I real­ly have. I’m the type of per­son that can’t ever real­ly get bored. There’s always some­thing that needs to get done, be it a book I need to fin­ish, some work

To Boldly Go… Read More »

I’m feel­ing a lot more posty today. Not that that is a bad thing. I men­tioned a bit about my day yes­ter­day and that I picked up a new vape unit. I start­ed vap­ing maybe a cou­ple years ago now. Hard to believe its been that long. Not that I have real­ly been doing it often at least not when I start­ed. I’m by no

New Vape Read More »

Week­end at last! Final­ly, a cou­ple of days where I don’t have to think about my respon­si­bil­i­ties at the office. I’ve got plen­ty enough to keep me busy at home and hon­est­ly, I don’t real­ly know where to start. Do I clean? I should. Do I write? I should do that too. Then there is also shop­ping to do. Also, I could work

Chillin Read More »

abstract backdrop of dynamic smoke creating waves in air

I’m so look­ing for­ward to this week­end. With how I’ve felt most of the last week I’m thrilled to have a cou­ple of days of me time. Yeah, I’m sure I’ll be busy tak­ing care of a few things like gro­cery shop­ping, clean up, and a few oth­er things around the house. The last cou­ple of days I’ve

Snaggletooth Read More »

So a while back Cana­da legal­ized cannabis prod­ucts. I was encour­aged to try CBD oil and even some THC oil to help deal with some back pain that I expe­ri­ence on par­tic­u­lar­ly stress­ful days. I start­ed with just CBD stuff I did­n’t notice much, if any, effect. Maybe I was a lit­tle more relaxed but it was­n’t enough for me to justify

Cannabis… Read More »