
Star Trek

Anoth­er month has past not a whole lot new going on. Admit­ted­ly, I’ve been in some­what of a cre­ative slump and haven’t real­ly had much to talk about. There have been a few things though I can talk about. First, I’ve fin­ished sea­son 4 of Low­er Decks with Embyr. Over-all I loved the sea­son. I did have a bit of a Trekie-nerd moment with the […]

November Update Read More »

Its been about three weeks now since I post­ed any­thing here. I’ve draft­ed up a cou­ple of things and nev­er sub­mit­ted them. Okay, so when I last post­ed was just after Embyr’s online par­ty for her birth­day. We all had fun and there was a lev­el of cringe as we sung hap­py birth­day for her but all-in-all we all

Getting Back to Blogging Read More »

The long week­end has end­ed and I’m back to the dai­ly grind at the office. I nev­er feel week­ends are long enough regard­less of how much time I real­ly have. I’m the type of per­son that can’t ever real­ly get bored. There’s always some­thing that needs to get done, be it a book I need to fin­ish, some work

To Boldly Go… Read More »