

Its week­end! Oi am I need­ing it, Thurs­day night got incred­i­bly stu­pid. I’m lay­ing in bed at 10:30 at night wind­ing down and start­ing to doze off while lis­ten­ing to the storm out­side and my phone sud­den­ly sounds an alarm. “Tor­na­do Warn­ing for the cov­er­age area.” Welp. I’m up now… I round up my kit­ty and wait […]

Gigitty Read More »

It start­ed at 6:55 AM. With the change of meds I’m no longer per­pet­u­al­ly exhaust­ed and I tend to get up with the sun. I’d already been up for at least half an hour at this point when I heard the famil­iar chime of an incom­ing Skype mes­sage. My work­place uses Skype for quick IM com­mu­ni­ca­tion between

Stick me with a fork I’m done Read More »

Haven’t been feel­ing all that great today. A bit achy, tired, and not up to doing much. I’ve been post­ing every day for over a week so I’m typ­ing up a lit­tle some­thing. There isn’t all that much to say. Its been a lazy day. Em’s deal­ing with a bull­shit from a ser­vice provider fuck­ing up and leav­ing her with­out service

Under the weather Read More »

stress handwritten text on white printer paper

I’m nev­er one to reveal too much online. At least most of the time I try not to, but damn I’m feel­ing incred­i­bly stressed out late­ly. I’ve men­tioned my new meds kick­ing my ass already… got a bill for call­ing the ambu­lance for myself a few weeks ago, its not all that much but yay anoth­er bill and

Stress Read More »

Not much to real­ly blog about today. Busy day at work with long meet­ings and an appoint­ment. I’m admit­ted­ly tired and may go to bed ear­ly. For tonight I’m just going to try to take it easy.

Busy day. Read More »

This might be a lit­tle bit of old news, but late last year I got myself a Steamdeck. I love this thing! I recall read­ing a review where it was described as a portable gam­ing device that’s about the size of a small cat. It was­n’t wrong. The thing has def­i­nite­ly got some weight to it and its a respectable size. I’ve used the

I got myself a Steamdeck Read More »