
Video Games

Anoth­er month has past not a whole lot new going on. Admit­ted­ly, I’ve been in some­what of a cre­ative slump and haven’t real­ly had much to talk about. There have been a few things though I can talk about. First, I’ve fin­ished sea­son 4 of Low­er Decks with Embyr. Over-all I loved the sea­son. I did have a bit of a Trekie-nerd moment with the […]

November Update Read More »

Near­ly anoth­er month has passed since my last post­ing. I’m hav­ing a bit of a dif­fi­cult time with con­tent. I mean I have plean­ty to talk about but, find­ing the desire to share is con­sid­er­ably more chal­leng­ing since I know this blog is being used to keep tabs on me. I’m not that inter­est­ing, real­ly, but none the less it

October Read More »

Heyo all, time for anoth­er update. Its been ten days since my last post. I got­ta be more active here.  So let me start off with a more gen­er­al update. I’ve done a tiny bit more shiny col­lect­ing in Poké­mon and a bit more tera raid­ing and made it back to over 9 mill in poke­cash. I don’t think I’ll need

Catching up Read More »

Wow, Its been a busy day today and I’m glad the work­day is done and I can relax. There were a few things I missed last time I post­ed that I prob­a­bly should have and there’s also been some updates on that. Lets jump right in. Me and Em have com­plete­ly beat­en the new Teal Mask DLC. Dex com­plet­ed, mon­u­ment rebuilt, and

Less than Three Read More »

Its been about three weeks now since I post­ed any­thing here. I’ve draft­ed up a cou­ple of things and nev­er sub­mit­ted them. Okay, so when I last post­ed was just after Embyr’s online par­ty for her birth­day. We all had fun and there was a lev­el of cringe as we sung hap­py birth­day for her but all-in-all we all

Getting Back to Blogging Read More »

It’s been a few days since I’ve post­ed any­thing. Not all that much going on, keep­ing busy at the office. Did a bit of an item and lev­el grind with Embyr on Phas­mo­pho­bia, we got to the low 40s. We also made a bit of progress on our Cob­ble­mon game. The weath­er has­n’t been the nicest, hot, humid,

✨Pornstar✨ Read More »

Well, Its Mon­day again and a bit lat­er in the day today too. I briefly went into a few things on Sat­ur­day Morn­ing in my Maple Sausage post but, I nev­er went into too much detail. Orig­i­nal­ly I said I would­n’t be bring­ing this up again but real­ly this has got­ten too out of hand. I first men­tioned some­thing about this in

Last weekend can get fucked Read More »

Good morn­ing world, at least my small cor­ner of it. Hap­py week­end! or is it? Deal­ing with a small bit of a headache this morn­ing that I’m hop­ing will go away after I’ve fin­ished my cof­fee but for now just stay­ing cool(er) and keep­ing the lights low helps a bit. Yes­ter­day was ses­sion two of our King­mak­er PF2

Maple Sausage Read More »

I said it yes­ter­day in my blog post that Embyr does the most roman­tic and sweet porn. Its true! She fin­ished this piece of our char­ac­ters Thani­sis and Faeyra and they look so adorable and lov­ing togeth­er, that is until you look below the wings. Well, when you look there you can see some­thing else

Wholesome Porn Read More »