

It’s been a few days since I’ve post­ed any­thing. Not all that much going on, keep­ing busy at the office. Did a bit of an item and lev­el grind with Embyr on Phas­mo­pho­bia, we got to the low 40s. We also made a bit of progress on our Cob­ble­mon game. The weath­er has­n’t been the nicest, hot, humid, […]

✨Pornstar✨ Read More »

Good morn­ing world, at least my small cor­ner of it. Hap­py week­end! or is it? Deal­ing with a small bit of a headache this morn­ing that I’m hop­ing will go away after I’ve fin­ished my cof­fee but for now just stay­ing cool(er) and keep­ing the lights low helps a bit. Yes­ter­day was ses­sion two of our King­mak­er PF2

Maple Sausage Read More »