
Naenia — Updated

August 13, 2023 

I’d like to intro­duce Nae­nia, My #shiny for­mer #alpha #Hisuian #Typhlo­sion. Em’s already work­ing on art between our two characters. 


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August 12, 2023 

Most­ly about #poké­mon this time, a bit about naughty #fur­ryart with my eevees

#nsfw #fur­ry #eevee #eeveeloution #scar­letvi­o­let

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Knowing What I Know

August 10, 2023 

Not a lot to say today. It’s a Thurs­day, a bit of an unusu­al one because of the hol­i­day ear­li­er in the week and it was recy­cling day. I, being an idiot, missed it because it’s nor­mal­ly not on Thurs­days and I got a bit too dis­tract­ed with every­thing last night after work. Oh well. I’ll just have an extra […]

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I missed something.

August 9, 2023 

Yes­ter­day was a pret­ty good day despite being a work­ing day and being back at the office after a long week­end. The biggest issue with hol­i­days is the need to fit five days’ worth of work into four days. But I’m not real­ly talk­ing about work as far as what has been going well. I had a rather enjoy­able evening […]

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To Boldly Go…

August 8, 2023 

The long week­end has end­ed and I’m back to the dai­ly grind at the office. I nev­er feel week­ends are long enough regard­less of how much time I real­ly have. I’m the type of per­son that can’t ever real­ly get bored. There’s always some­thing that needs to get done, be it a book I need to fin­ish, some work […]

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Getting Ready for Weekend

August 4, 2023 

Its been a few days since my last post­ing and things are fair­ly nor­mal at the moment. I’m keep­ing busy at work and on a more per­son­al note myself and Em have been enjoy­ing watch­ing Star Trek togeth­er to wind down in the evenings. Our Trek of choice over the last few days has been Star Trek […]

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I’m Back Baby!

August 2, 2023 

Greets all! It’s great to be back. As I men­tioned in my post titled The Bizarre End to a Week Filled with Insan­i­ty, I had a lit­tle bit of trou­ble with my lap­top which was for­tu­nate­ly still under war­ran­ty. Yes­ter­day mid-after­noon, my lap­top arrived fresh­ly repaired and now run­ning great. My kit­ty Oreo also got a new box which he […]

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Stalky Stalkerson

July 29, 2023 

Appar­ent­ly I have a bit of a cyber stalk­er now… The “friend” I men­tioned in a recent post has been stalk­ing me online. I’m not all that sur­prised by this to be hon­est giv­en the behav­iour showed before they left. This will prob­a­bly be my last post on the sub­ject. I hon­est­ly don’t care what this per­son does any­more. I’m making […]

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The Bizarre End to a Week Filled with Insanity

July 27, 2023 

Well fuck, it’s been crazy over the last few days. The whole week can get fucked… I’m so thank­ful for Embyr help­ing keep me sane. Lets start with how the past week­end. Sat­ur­day I did­n’t real­ly want to wake up, noth­ing over­ly strange there the bed was com­fort­able and I did­n’t have any­thing I absolute­ly need­ed to do […]

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Life’s Little Interruptions

July 22, 2023 

It’s been over a week since I’ve post­ed any­thing here. I’m around, albeit not in the best frame of mind. All-in-all its stuff I’m not will­ing to go into online in a pub­lic space but I’m real­ly not in the best place right now for a lot of rea­sons. Still, some­how I am sur­viv­ing, which I guess is at least […]

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Stick me with a fork I’m done

July 13, 2023 

It start­ed at 6:55 AM. With the change of meds I’m no longer per­pet­u­al­ly exhaust­ed and I tend to get up with the sun. I’d already been up for at least half an hour at this point when I heard the famil­iar chime of an incom­ing Skype mes­sage. My work­place uses Skype for quick IM com­mu­ni­ca­tion between […]

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LED Dice

LFG Pathfinder 1e or 2e12 July 2023

July 12, 2023 

Heyo, I’m Tsar­goth, or Tsar for short. A for­mer for­ev­er GM that has had lit­tle in the way of any TTRPGs since covid hit. I cur­rent­ly play in a quar­ter­ly game of PF1 on the Lega­cy of Fire Adven­ture Path. A while back, I intro­duced my part­ner to it and while it was a lot to get used to; we have a blast being able to actu­al­ly play togeth­er. We love drag­ons and use third par­ty con­tent to play them, specif­i­cal­ly In The Com­pa­ny of Drag­ons by Rite Pub­lish­ing. There is also the Bat­tle­zoo Ances­tries Drag­ons book for PF2, but we’ve nev­er played any PF2 games as of yet. 

#Pathfind­er #LFG #look­ing­for­Group #ttrpg

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Under the weather

July 11, 2023 

Haven’t been feel­ing all that great today. A bit achy, tired, and not up to doing much. I’ve been post­ing every day for over a week so I’m typ­ing up a lit­tle some­thing. There isn’t all that much to say. Its been a lazy day. Em’s deal­ing with a bull­shit from a ser­vice provider fuck­ing up and leav­ing her with­out service […]

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Hello World

July 10, 2023 

Hel­lo World, I’m a bit on the late side post­ing today. Usu­al­ly I get a post out ear­ly morn­ing, or at least dur­ing my lunch break. Today was a bit dif­fer­ent. I had a doc­tor’s appoint­ment today that ran into my lunch break. Also had to drop my script off at the phar­ma­cy so I had a whole 15 min­utes break for lunch. I had […]

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New Vape

July 9, 2023 

I’m feel­ing a lot more posty today. Not that that is a bad thing. I men­tioned a bit about my day yes­ter­day and that I picked up a new vape unit. I start­ed vap­ing maybe a cou­ple years ago now. Hard to believe its been that long. Not that I have real­ly been doing it often at least not when I start­ed. I’m by no […]

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July 9, 2023 

Woot! Had a pret­ty good run in Poké­mon today~ Mewt­wo is lookin’ pret­ty bad-ass. And Mew… mew is just happy

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