

July 9, 2023 

Week­ends nev­er quite last long enough. Yes­ter­day was a fair­ly busy day and I did get much of what I want­ed to do tak­en care of. Today is a friends birth­day and one of the things they had got­ten them­selves almost fell through. It was a mess for a bit but it looks like every­thing has worked out. One of the […]

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July 8, 2023 

Week­end at last! Final­ly, a cou­ple of days where I don’t have to think about my respon­si­bil­i­ties at the office. I’ve got plen­ty enough to keep me busy at home and hon­est­ly, I don’t real­ly know where to start. Do I clean? I should. Do I write? I should do that too. Then there is also shop­ping to do. Also, I could work […]

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abstract backdrop of dynamic smoke creating waves in air


July 7, 2023 

I’m so look­ing for­ward to this week­end. With how I’ve felt most of the last week I’m thrilled to have a cou­ple of days of me time. Yeah, I’m sure I’ll be busy tak­ing care of a few things like gro­cery shop­ping, clean up, and a few oth­er things around the house. The last cou­ple of days I’ve […]

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July 6, 2023 

I feel worlds dif­fer­ent today. The more unpleas­ant side effects from the med­ica­tion were most­ly dealt with last night and this morn­ing and now that my doc­tor has me detox­ing from it I’ll be giv­en some­thing new next week. I real­ly real­ly hat­ed that stuff and I’m glad to be done with it. I’m def­i­nite­ly feeling […]

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stress handwritten text on white printer paper


July 5, 2023 

I’m nev­er one to reveal too much online. At least most of the time I try not to, but damn I’m feel­ing incred­i­bly stressed out late­ly. I’ve men­tioned my new meds kick­ing my ass already… got a bill for call­ing the ambu­lance for myself a few weeks ago, its not all that much but yay anoth­er bill and […]

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Updated — Holiday, Kinda

July 4, 2023 

I’m off work today, and for me that’s a good thing… I’m up ear­li­er than usu­al too, which is less good. As I men­tioned under a week ago, I’ve had the dosage of some of my meds adjust­ed and I’m back on some­thing that after tak­ing a sin­gle tablet, I expe­ri­enced my first ever sug­ar low. I’ve felt more or […]

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The Monday Morning Ritual

July 3, 2023 

Its Mon­day again, anoth­er week­end over and the new work week has start­ed. I’m not in the best mood this morn­ing, I real­ly don’t want to go into the office but bills need to be paid and if I don’t work that won’t hap­pen. So I did the whole week­end on the new meds and I think I did pretty […]

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Dear Diary

July 2, 2023 

Its been a bit since I wrote here again. My last post was a rather long one rel­a­tive­ly speak­ing where I was work­ing on some back­sto­ry for some of my char­ac­ters. While its rather slow mov­ing it cov­ers a good bit of his­to­ry that helps me with ideas. I’ve got a cou­ple more sto­ries com­ing soon but I don’t know exact­ly when […]

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A Kitsune’s Tale

June 25, 2023 

Nes­tled amidst rolling hills and ver­dant mead­ows, Hikari no Mura, the quaint vil­lage, came alive with the enchant­i­ng pres­ence of kit­sune. The air buzzed with an ethe­re­al ener­gy, car­ry­ing whis­pers of mys­tery and folk­lore. As one approached the vil­lage, a kalei­do­scope of scents, sounds, col­ors, and an ever-chang­ing sky unfold­ed before their sens­es, immers­ing them in […]

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Dirty Birdy

June 21, 2023 

“I’m a dirty girl” said Juniper mat­ter-of-fac­t­­­ly in a play­ful sing-song tone to Tsar­goth. She was sub­merged up to her neck in the shal­lows of a nat­ur­al pool in their shared avian sanc­tu­ary. A peace­ful qui­et place with a sun­ning rock next to the pool fed by a water­fall and a stream run­ning off into the wood­ed area head­ing into the southern […]

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Quick Sketches and Other Stuff

June 18, 2023 

My mate Embyr, recent­ly has made an offer to do some quick sketch­es for a pret­ty low price. Want­i­ng to sup­port her, and because I love her art, I grabbed some. She also fin­ished anoth­er piece she was work­ing on of Selin­iea. Oi! These are awe­some. She’s amaz­ing with emo­tion and their expres­sions. To the right we have […]

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New Meds. New Hospital Stay

June 17, 2023 

I’ve been qui­et the last few days online. Hon­est­ly I’m glad its all behind me. Just a cou­ple of days ago to help get my blood sug­ar a bit bet­ter under con­trol I was pre­scribed a new med, a pri­cy one at that as well. It worked! it worked too well with­in a few hours of tak­ing it I expe­ri­enced a sug­ar low. […]

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Post Weekend thoughts and A New Week.

June 13, 2023 

Anoth­er week­end has passed and its back to the dai­ly grind with the office place. The week­end Pathfind­er ses­sion did­n’t go as expect­ed but we played, unfor­tu­nate­ly Embyr got lit­tle oppor­tu­ni­ty to take part. The new spell and abil­i­ties that I picked up for my lev­el did very much help. Half the par­ty could swap places […]

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Getting Ready for Weekend

June 9, 2023 

Just a lit­tle more than four hours to go before my week­end offi­cial­ly starts. Its been a busy week over­all, the usu­al of feel­ing exhaust­ed and hav­ing a dis­like for com­put­ers once I’ve fin­ished my office hours for the day. Recent­ly I’ve got­ten a new fin­ished piece of Tsar and a cou­ple of his mates, drag­ons owned by my mate […]

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Pathfinder Decisions

June 4, 2023 

Its been a few days since I post­ed any­thing. Not a whole lot excit­ing going on at the moment, at least not any­thing I can real­ly talk about. I’ve recent­ly been watch­ing some DC Com­ic movies and shows with Embyr, main­ly fea­tur­ing Harley Quinn. While they can be rather dark, over­all, most of them were pret­ty good. This coming […]

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Birb 💙

May 30, 2023 

Poké­mon Home was updat­ed late last night / this morn­ing to add sup­port for Poké­mon Scar­let and Vio­let. BIRB!!!!

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